Thursday, February 14, 2008

NRI Investments in Shares & Securities FAQs

Can NRI's invest in companies in India?
NRIs are permitted to make direct investments in proprietary/partnership concerns in India as also in shares/debentures of Indian companies. They are also permitted to make portfolio investments i.e. purchase of shares/debentures of Indian companies .

Portfolio Investment Scheme

What is the Portfolio Investment Scheme?
Under this scheme, NRIs are permitted to acquire shares /debentures of Indian companies or units of domestic Mutual Funds through the stock exchange/s in India.
What is the procedure for making applications?
The application is to be submitted to Reserve Bank through a designated branch of a bank in India in one of the prescribed forms, i.e. NRC/NRI/RPC/RPI.
What is a designated branch?
Reserve Bank has authorised a few branches of each bank to conduct the business under Portfolio Investment Scheme on behalf of NRIs . These branches are the main branches of major commercial banks located close to the stock exchange/s. NRIs will have to route their applications through any of the designated bank branches who have authorisation from Reserve Bank.
Whether NRI can apply through more than one designated branch?
No. Each NRI has to select one branch for this purpose for investment on repatriation/ non-repatriation basis.
Is it necessary to maintain a bank account with the designated branch through whom the application is made?

is advisable to maintain a bank account with the designated branch for administrative convenience.

What is the validity period of Reserve Bank approval for the purchase of shares/debentures of Indian companies or units of domestic Mutual Funds?
Reserve Bank approval is valid for a period of five years from the date of issue. This can be renewed further by making a request by means of a simple letter.
Is there any ceiling on the investment under the Portfolio Investment Scheme?
There is an overall ceiling of 5% of paid- up equity share capital of the company/paid-up value of each series of convertible debentures for purchase by NRIs /OCBs. The overall ceiling can be raised to 30% if the company concerned passes a special resolution to that effect in its general body meeting and a board resolution. Individually, NRIs/OCBs can make investment upto 1% of the paid-up equity share capital/each series of convertible debentures. However, there is no ceiling on investment in domestic Mutual Funds.

Company Deposits

Can NRIs keep deposits with companies in India with repatriation benefits?
Yes. NRIs are permitted to keep deposits with public limited companies in India for a minimum period of three years subject to certain ceilings/conditions. Application for the purpose is required to be made by the company receiving the deposits through an authorised dealer.
Do NRIs need permission of reserve Bank for placing funds in fixed deposits with firms/companies on non- repatriation basis?
Yes. Permission for placement of funds in fixed deposits with firms/companies in India is granted by Reserve Bank on application by the depositor or the deposit accepting firm/company, on non-repatriation basis, subject to certain ceilings/conditions.

Direct Investment without Repatriation Benefits

Is permission of Reserve Bank required for NRIs to invest in proprietary/partnership concerns on non- repatriation basis?
No. Reserve Bank has granted general permission to non- resident individuals of Indian nationality/origin to invest by way of capital contribution in any proprietary or partnership concern in India on non- repatriation basis provided the investee concern is not engaged in any agricultural/plantation activity or real estate business. This facility is, however, not available to OCBs.
Is permission of Reserve Bank required for making investments in new issues of Indian companies on non- repatriation basis?
No. Indian companies have been granted general permission to accept investments on non-repatriation basis, in shares/convertible debentures by way of new/rights/bonus issue provided the investee company is not engaged in agricultural /plantation activity or real estate business(excluding real estate development i.e. development of property and construction of houses). or chit fund or is not a Nidhi company.
Are any formalities required to be completed by NRIs for getting the benefit of the above general permission?
No. However, the firms/companies concerned are required to file declarations with Reserve Bank in form DIN giving particulars of the investments made. within ninety days from the date of the investment.
Can NRI individuals make investments in domestic public/private sector Mutual Funds or Money Market Mutual Funds floated by commercial banks and public/private sector financial institution on non/repatriation basis?

Additional Investment Opportunities in India

Can NRI individuals make investments in domestic public/private sector Mutual Funds or Money Market Mutual Funds floated by commercial banks and public/private sector financial institution on non/repatriation basis?
Can Overseas Corporate Bodies make similar investments in mutual funds on non-repatriation basis?
OCBs can make such investments only in domestic public/ private sector Mutual Funds. They can also make investments in Money Market Mutual Funds.
Can NRIs make investments in non-convertible debentures of Indian companies?
Yes. Applications for necessary permission should be made to Reserve Bank (Central Office) by the concerned Indian Company in form ISD.
Can NRIs purchase existing shares/debentures of Indian companies by private arrangement?
Yes. Reserve Bank permits NRIs , on application in form FNC 7, to purchase shares/debentures of existing Indian companies on non-repatriation basis. An undertaking about non-repatriation is to be given in form NRU.

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